Common issues

While many WordPress plugins claim to be a one-size-fits-all solution, the fact is that each user has unique requirements and preferences. This also applies to Permalink Manager users.

While the plugin provides a wide range of functionalities and benefits, users may experience certain common issues. In this article, we will look at some of the most frequent issues encountered by Permalink Manager users and provide solutions to help you get the most out of this plugin.

By design, Permalink Manager does not automatically update existing custom permalinks when Permastructure settings are changed. The primary use for them is to rearrange URLs of newly published content. As a result, the modifications you make there are meant to be used when you publish a new post/page or term.

This strategy avoids current URLs from being changed by accident, which could have an impact on SEO and UX.

If you want changes to be applied to URLs of existing content on your website, you can regenerate their custom permalinks with the "Regenerate/reset" tool.

Regenerate/reset tool

Once the process is completed, you will see a list of changed permalinks to review and make additional changes if necessary.

The list of new updated permalinks

Permalink Manager automatically appends slugs to the end of custom permalinks by default to make sure that each individually created URL is unique.

If you want to disable this for whatever reason, you can easily do so under the "Permastructures" settings section. To turn off this feature, select "Do not automatically append the slug" after clicking on the "Show additional settings" button.

"Do not automatically append the slug"

By default WordPress for permalinks uses the native slugs (post names) that are generated when the post is published. When the title is changed, the native slug is not updated, therefore the permalink remains unchanged. This is also exactly the case with Permalink Manager that likewise uses the native slugs for custom permalinks.

How to use titles instead of slugs and automatically update custom permalinks?

In the plugin setting ("Slugs mode" field) you may decide whether either native slugs or actual post titles should be included when new permalinks are generated. If you want to update the custom permalinks automatically, for example, when the post/term title changes, turn on "Auto-update permalinks" mode.

Admin Interface

The URI Editor is not displayed

There are two basic reasons why the URI Editor does not appear in the UI. This can happen if your article is saved as a draft and the plugin's "Exclude drafts" option is active.

How to allow the plugin to create permalinks also for drafts?
If you want Permalink Manager to generate custom permalinks before the posts are published, simply uncheck the "Exclude drafts" option.

Another possibility is that the post type or taxonomy of the item is disabled in the plugin settings. Similarly to the previous example with "drafts" deselect the impacted post type or taxonomy to allow Permalink Manager to edit their permalinks.

Exclude content types

RankMath metabox does not open

This issue could happen if you are using a outdated version of plugin (prior to Permalink Manager's JS files conflicted with one of the RankMath functions, causing the metabox and post editor to not load correctly. To confirm this issue, check your browser console for the following error message.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘isSavingPost’)

If this is the case, all you need to do to fix the problem is update Permalink Manager Pro to the most recent version.

WooCommerce HPOS support

The notice, "This plugin is incompatible with the enabled WooCommerce feature 'High-Performance order storage', it shouldn't be activated" means you are using an older version of Permalink Manager Pro that does not declare support for WooCommerce HPOS feature. This issue affected all versions of Permalink Manager Pro up to 2.4.2.

To fix this issue and remove the notice, update the plugin to the latest version.

This plugin is incompatible with the enabled WooCommerce feature 'High-Performance order storage', it shouldn't be activated.

"You own a lifetime licence key" message appears, yet the key is missing

If the license key is not displayed in the plugin settings and the message "You own a lifetime license key" or similar shows up, your website is probably using a GPL-nulled version of Permalink Manager Pro.

The unlicensed "nulled" versions of the plugin, lack the necessary code for connecting to our server for license validation and updates. As a result, you will not be able to update to the latest plugin version because you will not receive a notification when it becomes available.

GPL nulled version of Permalink Manager Pro
If your "License" settings look like this, you are probably using a nulled version of the plugin.

Keep in mind that using a nulled version of Permalink Manager not only blocks automatic updates but also does not allow you to send support requests.

The development of this plugin is made possible by those who purchase a legitimate key from the official website. To be fair to them, they are the only ones who can request customer support and download the original plugin files directly from the update server.

Therefore, the support requests from websites using a nulled version or without a valid license key will be automatically declined.


RankMath redirect is not working

If you try to redirect to a different page using a custom permalink that is already in use for some page, the "extra redirect" will be ignored. This is because, in order to avoid infinite redirect loops, a custom permalink for one content item cannot be used as a "extra redirect" for another.

It also applies if you use a custom permalink as a "Source URLs" in RankMath's Redirections function. You may "unlock" the affected URL and allow the extra redirect by excluding the ID of the item you wish to redirect.

Alternatively, to allow the RankMaths' redirects, you can also completely disable the function in the plugin settings:

RankMath's "Redirections" fix redirect conflict


Autoloaded options

WordPress 6.6, released in July 2024, includes a new performance-related feature that counts the number and size of autoloaded options. In principle, the goal was to prevent plugin and theme authors from loading data that was only used in certain parts of the website on each page load.

The "Autoloaded options could affect performance" notice does not indicate that your website is vulnerable or at risk. It suggests revising the data autoloaded in the wp_options database table in order to potentially improve page load performance.

Autoloaded options
"Autoloaded options could affect performance" alert in Site Health section

In the case of permalinks, the plugin must analyze the URL and check it against the custom permalinks array in order to identify which content should be loaded. The tests showed that disabling autoloading for both "permalink-manager-uris" and "permalink-manager-redirects" had no negative impact on the plugin's functionalities in a typical environment

However, this has not been tested with all possible cache plugins and tools, so if you encounter any issues with the custom permalinks or redirects, please make sure that "permalink-manager-uris" and "permalink-manager-redirects" are autoloaded.

In such a situation, the first recommendation would be to simply exclude the content types that do not need to be filtered by the plugin (eg. attachments). If needed, using a code snippet, you can also raise this arbitrarily set limit to a higher value:

function change_autoloaded_options_limit( $default_limit ) {
	// Increase the limit to 1500000 bytes (1.5 MB)
	return 1500000;
add_filter( 'site_status_autoloaded_options_size_limit', 'change_autoloaded_options_limit' );

Can I turn off the plugin after the new custom permalinks have been set?

Please keep in mind that if you used Permalink Manager to create custom permalinks that vary from the default ones, they will no longer be used after the plugin is removed. It is because Permalink Manager overwrites one of the core WordPress features to bypass the rewrite limitations.

Without the plugin, WordPress' core features cannot give this level of flexibility. Removing the plugin will leave you with only the basic permalink system provided by WordPress core. Simply speaking, when you deactivate the plugin, two essential components are deactivated.

The first function is in charge of replacing default URLs with custom permalinks customized by the Permalink Manager. The plugin's second core function helps WordPress in detecting manually adjusted permalinks. In practice, disabling the plugin means losing these crucial functionalities, which may result in broken links and a bad impact on your website's SEO.

If you have issues with your WordPress website and need to debug, you may temporarily deactivate Permalink Manager. All user data, custom permalinks, and plugin settings will be preserved if you temporarily disable the plugin. Everything will be restored once you reactivate the plugin.

Based on your Permalink Manager options ("Automatically fix broken URIs"), the plugin may automatically remove obsolete and custom permalinks associated to posts and terms you've deleted. This specific function runs in the background and is executed when a visitor attempts to access a custom permalink that is no longer needed.

If you have noticed that any of your custom permalinks were unitentionally deleted, please make sure that "Automatically fix broken URIs" option is deactivated in Permalink Manager settings.

Automatically fix broken URIs option

WP Rocket compatibility plugin issues

The functionality linked to "Automatically fix broken URIs" setting may not function correctly with WP Rocket. Because of the cache optimization, that plugin disrupts one of Permalink Manager functionalities responsible for auto-removal of broken URIs. As a consequence, the cache might corrupt the data array where custom permalinks are stored.

If your custom permalinks were malformed you will need to rebuild them using "Regenerate/reset" tool. Unfortunately, all the manual changes to the permalinks cannot be recovered unless you have a backup of your MySQL database.


Pagination pages return 404 error

Such problem may arise when you are using a custom pagination system that is not based on WordPress native query variables (“paged” or “page”). To repair it, please go to Permalink Manager settings and make sure that “Force 404 on non-existing pagination pages” option is deactivated.

“Force 404 on non-existing pagination pages” settings

Last updated by Maciej Bis on: February 6, 2025.

Maciej BisFounder of Permalink Manager & WordPress Developer

The developer behind Permalink Manager, a plugin for managing permalinks, has been working with WordPress, creating custom plugins and themes, for more than a decade.

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