SEO plugins

Permalink Manager is compatible with all the key Yoast SEO, RankMath, Slim SEO & SEOPress functionalities.

As long as Permalink Manager is active, the plugin will dynamically overwrite all URLs generated and displayed by SEO plugins. The plugin will automatically modify all permalinks in meta tags (canonical URL), sitemaps, and breadcrumbs displayed with these plugins.

Additional Supported Functionalities

Primary category

One of the useful features of Permalink Manager is the ability to use the selected primary category or other taxonomy within custom permalinks. The plugin uses the primary category for default permalinks, but you can deactivate this functionality in the plugin settings.

You may deactivate Permalink Manager's support for "primary category" in the plugin settings. After you disable it, the default post permalink will use the lowest available category (including its parents, if available).

Breadcrumbs Support

Permalink Manager allows you to mimics the URL structure in the breadcrumbs generated by certain SEO plugins.

Please note that this option is deactivated by default. To turn it on, please enable it in the plugin's settings.

RankMath's Redirections

RankMath allows to set up extra redirections, but if the source URL is already used as a custom permalink by any content item, the redirect will be disallowed. This is because, in order to prevent infinite redirect loops, a custom permalink for one content item cannot serve as a redirection for another content item.

Rank Math Redirections

You may "unlock" the affected URL and allow the extra redirect by excluding the ID of the item you wish to redirect. Alternatively, if you do not want to block any of the RankMaths' redirects, please turn off "RankMath's "Redirections" fix redirect conflict" option in the plugin settings:

RankMath's "Redirections" fix redirect conflict


Why Yoast SEO/Rankmath Displays Different URL in Its Metabox?

Both Yoast SEO and RankMath use the native slug to provide the URL preview in its metabox. Currently, there is no technical possibility to make it show the custom permalink established using Permalink Manager. Nevertheless, this issue affects only the metabox displayed solely in admin panel. All URLs (including canonical meta tags and sitemaps created by Yoast SEO) are properly filtered by Permalink Manager.

Yoast SEO is one of WordPress SEO plugins that uses native slugs

Why Does Yoast SEO Still Show Original Permalinks in the Sitemap?

Because creating sitemaps is a resource-intensive process, especially for large websites, your server or third-party plugins (eg. WP Rocket, Litespeed) may cache data. This implies that even after you change the custom permalinks, Yoast SEO may still display them in their previous version due to the cache.

You may force a sitemap update by turning it off in Yoast SEO settings, clearing the cache, and then turning it back on. More information about this issue may be found in Yoast's plugin documentation.

Yoast sitemap settings

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