Is Permalink Manager a subscription-based plugin?

No, Permalink Manager, unlike other premium WordPress plugins, is not subscription-based. There are no hidden costs involved with purchasing a license key. We offer a flexible licensing option that allows you to choose between one-year and lifetime access to plugin updates.

All lifetime variants provide access to all plugin updates for life, with no extra payment or action necessary. In the case of the one-year license, the plugin will continue to function even after the license expires.

Since the license is not renewed automatically, you will not be charged again. If you do not have the lifetime variant and want to continue getting plugin updates, you can pay to extend your license key. However, it is entirely up to you to decide whether or not you would like to renew it. To prolong plugin update access for another year, purchase a license renewal before or after the current license expires.

Last updated by Maciej Bis on: October 22, 2023.

Maciej BisFounder of Permalink Manager & WordPress Developer

The developer behind Permalink Manager, a plugin for managing permalinks, has been working with WordPress, creating custom plugins and themes, for more than a decade.