

    • Dev – Code optimization for Bulk URI Editor
    • Enhancement – Support for WooCommerce breadcrumbs
    • Fix – A hotfix for WPForo plugin
    • Enhancement – New filter “permalink_manager_chunk_size” that allows to control the chunk size in bulk tools (“Regenerate/reset”, “Find & Replace”)
    • Enhancement – New filter “permalink_manager_sanitize_regex” that allows to adjust the function that sanitizes the custom permalinks
    • Dev – Autoload for backup arrays is now disabled
    • Enhancement – New option added: “Convert accented letters”

    • Fix – CSS adjustments. Now the redirects box is displayed correctly in the URI editor

    • Enhancement – Support for “Primary category” set with SEOPress & RankMath plugins
    • Enhancement – Support for breadcrumbs added by SEOPress & RankMath plugins
    • Dev – Improved “trailing slashes” functionality – untrailingslashit() & trailingslashit() replaced with REGEX based functions
    • Enhancement – Possibility to remove custom permalinks, redirects, permastructure settings directly from “Debug” section
    • Enhancement – New filter “permalink_manager_duplicates_priority” that allows to decide what content type (“posts” or “terms”) should be loaded when the custom permalink is duplicated
    • Fix – A minor fix for url_to_postid() function

    • Enhancement – Support for “Primary category” set with The SEO Framework
    • Dev – Changes for URI Editor section backend (SQL queries + improvements for search box)
    • Enhancement – Improved support for WooCommerce Wishlist plugin
    • Dev – Improvements for slugs sanitization functions
    • Enhancement – Possibility to exclude posts from bulk tools added to “Auto-update the URI” dropdown in URI Editor

    • Fix – Hotfix for PHP Fatal error in permalink-manager-admin-functions.php file
  • 2.2.7

    • Dev – Force 404 for draft posts (for non-logged-in users)
    • Enhancement – New setting fields: “URI Editor role capability” & “Force HTTPS in URLs”
    • Dev – Minor improvements
  • 2.2.6

    • Dev – More debug functions added
    • Dev – Better support for Hebrew letters
    • Enhancement – Support for location custom fields in WP Store Locator – CSV Manager plugin
    • Enhancement – Improved support for Gutenberg editor (reported by Cedric Busuttil)
  • 2.2.4/2.2.5

    • Dev – Minor code improvements
    • Dev – Yoast SEO Breadcrumbs – further improvements
    • Fix – Hotfix for Toolset custom fields support (Permalink Manager Pro)
    • Fix – Hotfix for Polylang URL modes
  • 2.2.3

    • Dev – Code improvements for WP All Import integration functions
    • Fix – Hotfix for Elementor conflict with custom redirects function (Permalink Manager Pro)
    • Enhancement – New field (“Do not automatically append the slug”) in Permastructure settings added to each post type & taxonomy
    • Enhancement – Basic support added for Mailster plugin
    • Enhancement – New permastructure tag: “%monthname%”
  • 2.2.2

    • Dev – Code improvement for “Quick Edit” inline form
    • Enhancement – Support for Yoast SEO breadcrumbs added
    • Fix – Hotfix for Elementor

    • Fix – Hotfix for function that detects custom URIs
    • Dev – Custom URIs for WP All Import inported posts are now generated 30 seconds after the import job is completed
  • 2.2.1

    • Fix – Hotfix for Customizer (custom permalinks filters are disabled in admin panel)
    • Dev – Minor UX improvements
    • Enhancement – Partial support for TranslatePress plugin added
    • Fix – Term permalinks are processed correctly when WPML enabled and “Adjust IDs for multilingual functionality” mode is activated
    • Enhancement – New setting field separated from “Force custom slugs” – now, both the native slugs and special characters (.|_+) can be kept inside the slugs
    • Enhancement – “permalink_manager_force_custom_slugs” filter added
  • 2.2.0

    • Fix – Hotfix for WPML – ?lang query parameter is now appended correctly
    • Fix – Support for comment pages endpoint
    • Dev – Minor code adjustments
    • Enhancement – Metabox for Gutenberg enabled also for CPT
    • Dev – Further improvements for redirect hooks
    • Fix – Hotfix for WP Customizer
    • Fix – Native slugs are saved correctly in Gutenberg editor
    • Enhancement – “permalink_manager_filter_permastructure” filter added
    • Enhancement – Permastructures can be now translated from admin panel

    • Fix – Hotfix for “Force custom slugs” option – now special characters are not removed if “Yes, use post/term titles + do not strip special characters: .|-+” mode is set.
    • Fix – Hotfix for custom fields support in custom permalinks
  • 2.1.2

    • Fix – Hotfix for WP All Import – default permalinks are now assigned correctly to imported posts + possibility to disable WP All Import custom URI functions in Permalink Manager settings
    • Fix – Hotfix for Yoast SEO – notice displayed on author pages
    • Dev – Adjustments for sanitize slug functions
    • Enhancement – Basic support for Gutenberg added
  • 2.1.1

    • Enhancement – Support for draft custom permalinks
    • Enhancement – Support for WP All Import plugin, now the custom permalinks can be defined directly in XML, CSV, ZIP, GZIP, GZ, JSON, SQL, TXT, DAT or PSV import files.
    • Fix – Permalink_Manager_Pro_Functions::save_redirects() method – now the custom redirects are correctly saved when a custom permalink is updated.
    • Fix – Hotfix for “Language name added as a parameter” mode in “WPML Language URL format” settings.
    • Fix – Hotfix for canonical redirect triggered by WPML.
    • Dev – Better support for non-latin letters in custom URIs & redirects
    • Dev – Better support for endpoints
    • Enhancement – Searchbox in URI Editors
  • 2.1.0

    • Enhancement – Support for “url_to_postid” function
    • Dev – Bulk tools use now AJAX & transients to prevent timeout when large number of posts/terms is processed
    • Fix – Fix for multi-domain language setup in WPML

    • Enhancement – Support for %__sku% permastructure tag (WooCommerce) added – now SKU number can be added to the custom permalinks (Permalink Manager Pro)

    • Dev – Code optimization
    • Enhancement – ‘permalink_manager_fix_uri_duplicates’ filter added
    • Enhancement – Possibility to display the native slug field
    • Fix – License validation functions fixed

    • Enhancement – Support added for Revisionize plugin
    • Fix – Minor tweaks

    • Enhancement – Japaneese translation added
    • Dev – Some minor improvements
    • Enhancement – New filters: permalink_manager_hide_uri_editor_term_, permalink_manager_hide_uri_editor_post_ & permalink_manager_update_term_uri_, permalink_manager_update_post_uri_, permalink_manager_new_post_uri_
    • Fix – Hotfix for default permalinks (no-hierarchical post types)
    • Fix – Hotfix for attachments default permalinks + URI detect function

    • Fix – Hotfix for endpoints in REGEX
    • Fix – Minor bug fixed – native slugs are now correctly regenerated
    • Fix – Hotfix for URI sanitization functions
    • Fix – Hotfix for AMP plugin
    • Enhancement – Full support for WPML multi-domain language setup
    • Fix – Hotfix for VisualComposer + Yoast SEO JS functions
    • Fix – Hotfix for WPML String Translation

    • Fix – Minor bugs fixed
    • Enhancement – New permastrutcure tag – %native_slug%
    • Enhancement – “Force custom slugs” feature enhanced with new options
    • Enhancement – Possibility to redirect the posts & terms to external URL (Permalink Manager Pro)

    • Enhancement – New permastructure tags – %post_type% & %taxonomy%
    • Enhancement- Support for “Taxonomy” custom field in ACF (Advanced Custom Fields)
    • Fix – Minor fix for endpoints
    • Enhancement – New hooks: “permalink_manager-filter-permalink-base” used instead of “permalink-manager-post-permalink-prefix” & “permalink-manager-term-permalink-prefix”

    • Fix – MultilingualPress plugin
    • Fix – Hotfix & better support for attachment post type (Media Library)
    • Fix – Custom redirects for old permalinks are now correctly saved in Permalink Manager Pro
    • Enhancement – Support for WooCommerce Wishlist plugin