
  • March 22, 2022


    • Fix – Permalink Manager supports WPML’s “Post Types & Taxonomy Translation” settings and returns the permalink of the fallback post/term with the correct language code
    • Fix – When the auto-update mode for categories is disabled, the manually adjusted permalinks are no longer overwritten by the default ones
    • Enhancement – Permalink Manager now allows you to rewrite just chosen articles and terms while leaving the rest untouched (See ‘”Auto-update” permalinks’ settings field)
    • Enhancement – Improved support for SEOPress breadcrumbs
    • Enhancement – “Auto-update permalinks” setting is now replaced with “URI update mode” to give users better control on how Permalink Manager generates and saves the custom permalinks
    • Dev – Additional minor improvements in code
  • January 23, 2022


    • Enhancement – Improved support for “Primary category” feature included in Yoast SEO
    • Enhancement – Added support for Avia/Enfold breadcrumbs filter
    • Enhancement – Further optimisation and improvements for Permalink_Manager_Core_Functions->new_uri_redirect_and_404() function
    • Fix – Permalink Manager now recognises the “Explore” listing page in MyListing theme properly
  • January 14, 2022

    • Fix – “Regenerate/reset” tool works correctly again in Permalink Manager Lite
  • January 12, 2022


    • Enhancement – UI Improvements for Regenerate/reset tool
    • Dev – WPML_URL_Filters->permalink_filter() hook is also used by Permalink Manager to filter custom permalinks
    • Enhancement – wp_make_link_relative() function is used to prevent redirect loops in new_uri_redirect_and_404() (suggested by mgussekloo)
    • Fix – Adjustments to the debug function’s security to prevent XSS injection
  • October 20, 2021


    • Enhancement – Improvements for Gutenberg Editor
    • Dev – Tippy.js (by atomiks) updated to version 6.3.2
    • Fix – From now on, the user role selected in “URI Editor role capability” is respected in “Quick Edit” box hooks (reported by @lozeone)
    • Dev – Further security improvements inside WP-Admin dashboard (reported by Vlad Vector)
  • September 20, 2021

    • Dev – Minor security improvements inside WP-Admin dashboard
    • Fix – Allow canonical redirect for default language if “Hide URL language information for default language” is turned on in Polylang settings
    • Enhancement – New settings field – “Primary category support”
    • Enhancement – “Force 404 on non-existing pagination pages” works now with archive pages
  • August 17, 2021


    • Dev – New filters added – ‘permalink_manager_excluded_post_ids’ & ‘permalink_manager_excluded_term_ids’
    • Dev – Additional minor changes in the codebase
    • Fix – Canonical permalinks for blog pagination is now correctly filtered (if Yoast SEO is used)
    • Fix – Better support for ‘private’ posts & pages
  • June 24, 2021


    • Fix – The function that automatically removes the broken URIs is no longer triggered when WP Rocket is turned on and non-logged-in user tries to access the broken URL.
  • June 7, 2021


    • Enhancement – New settings field – “Copy query parameters to redirect target URL” & “Extra redirects (aliases)”
    • Enhancement – UI improvements in settings section
    • Dev – Improved support for WPML’s Classic Translation Editor
    • Dev – Additional minor changes in the codebase
  • April 26, 2021

    • Fix – Hotfix for AMP WP integration
  • April 26, 2021

    • Fix – The old native slug is now correctly saved after it is changed in URI Editor.
    • Enhancement – The post type archives are now also added to the filtered breadcrumbs trail
    • Enhancement – Basic support added for WP All Export plugin
    • Enhancement – Basic support added for AMP for WP
    • Dev – (Permalink Manager Pro only) “Plugin Update Checker” by YahnisElsts library updated to 4.11 version
  • March 11, 2021

    • Enhancement – Support for WooCommerce CSV Product Importer/Exporter added
    • Enhancement – Better support for relationship field (ACF)
    • Fix – The custom redirects are now case-insensitive
  • February 8, 2021

    • Fix – Hotfix for WooCommerce coupon related functions
  • February 8, 2021

    • Fix – The custom permalink is generated properly if the product is duplicated in WooCommerce dashboard
    • Enhancement – New settings field – “Exclude drafts”
    • Enhancement – Minor code improvements

    • Fix – The language prefix for default language is now added again when “Use directory for default language” mode is turned on in WPML settings (“Language URL format”)

    • Fix – The custom permalinks are now saved correctly for new posts with ‘wp_insert_post’ hook
    • Fix – The custom permalinks are deleted when ‘delete_post’ hook is called
    • Fix – WPML – language switcher on posts (blog) page works correctly now
    • Fix – WooCommerce Subscription – the switch subscription URL is no longer overwritten
    • Fix – The URLs with duplicated trailing slashes are now redirected to the canonical permalink
    • Enhancement – Basic support for Ultimate Member plugin added
    • Enhancement – UI improvements
    • Enhancement – Support for “comment-page” endpoint added
    • Enhancement – New filter added – ‘permalink_manager_control_trailing_slashes’

    • Dev – Improvements for Permalink_Manager_Core_Functions::control_trailing_slashes() function
    • Dev – Minor codebase improvements
    • Fix – Hotfix for “Automatically fix broken URIs” function
    • Fix – Underscores are now by default allowed in the custom permalinks
    • Enhancement – Better support for GeoDirectory plugin
    • Fix – ‘permalink_manager_allow_new_post_uri’ & ‘permalink_manager_allow_update_post_uri’ filter replaced ‘permalink_manager_new_post_uri_’ and ‘permalink_manager_update_post_uri_’

    • Enhancement – Basic support for BasePress added
    • Enhancement – Added support for custom product attributes in products’ permalinks (WooCommerce)
    • Fix – “Trailing slash redirect” is now disabled on front pages (to prevent redirect loop on Polylang/WPML language front pages)
    • Dev – The taxonomy term used in custom permalinks is selected differently
    • Dev – Performance improvements (duplicate-check function)
    • Dev – Further improvements for the function used to sanitize the custom permalinks
    • Dev – Codebase improvements

    • Fix – Hotfix for ‘redirect_canonical’ function (causing a redirect loop)
    • Fix – The custom canonical permalink set with Yoast SEO is now no longer overwritten
    • Fix – The custom permalinks are no longer saved if the post/term has no title
    • Fix – Hotfix for Gutenberg related JS errors
    • Fix – Hotfix for Groundhogg plugin
    • Fix – Hotfix for “Customize” admin bar menu link
    • Fix – Hotfix for WPML’s language switcher on posts page
    • Fix – Hotfixes for WP 5.5 – blog/posts page + draft template is now loaded correctly
    • Dev – Trailing slash redirect code adjustments
    • Enhancement – Added support for GeoDirectory plugin

    • Dev – Improved breadcrumbs hook (better compatibility with WPML/Polylang)
    • Fix – Hotfix for permalinks used in language switcher on blog/posts page (WPML)
    • Fix – Hotfix for cart URL in WooCommerce’s mini-cart widget (now the permalink is translated correctly when WPML/Polylang is used)
    • Dev – Improved support for WPML’s Advanced Translation
    • Dev – Improved support for pagination & embed endpoints
    • Fix – Hotfix for attachments permalinks
    • Fix – Improved url_to_postid() hook
    • Fix – Added support for Dokan /edit/ endpoint

    • Fix – Hotfix for Permalink_Manager_Helper_Functions::get_disabled_taxonomies() function
    • Dev – New wrapper function with filter ‘permalink_manager_post_statuses’ for get_post_statuses()
    • Enhancement – Extended support for “My Listing” theme (by 27collective)
    • Fix – Hotfix for Gutenberg editor (broken HTML output)
    • Dev – Extended support for permalinks stored in Yoast SEO database tables (Indexables)

    • Fix – Hotfix for Permastructures (now the permalink formats are saved correctly)
    • Fix – Hotfix for trailing slashes settings
    • Dev – Improved setting fields descriptions
    • Dev – Adjustments for search functionality in Bulk URI Editor
    • Enhancement – Support for WPML Classic Translation Editor
    • Dev – Adjustments for “Auto-update URI”
    • Dev – Improvements for get_post_types_array() & get_taxonomies_array() functions used to list the content types supported by Permalink Manager

    • Dev – Improved descriptions in the plugin settings
    • Fix – Hotfix for endpoint redirect

    • Fix – Hotfix for stop-words (now, the stop-words can be saved again)
    • Enhancement – Support for Duplicate Page plugin

    • Fix – Hotfix for multisite/network installations. Now, the plugin globals are reloaded whenever switch_blog() function is called.
    • Fix – Hotfix for url_to_postid() function. The global will no longer be altered.
    • Fix – Hotfix for post/page revisions in custom permalink detect function
    • Dev – Improved WP All Import Pro integration (better support for taxonomies)
    • Dev – A different approach for WP Customize URLs
    • Enhancement – New option added: “Old slug redirect”